
Making Music

Adapting to a wide range of musical situations

Live performance - nightlife

Nightclubs, festivals, concert halls, dance halls, casinos, orchestra pits, etc.

Live performance - churches

Able to accommodate the needs of the venue, even when stage volume is tightly constrained

Recording - in studio

Quickly coming up with precise performances to leverage studio time

Recording - remote

Collaborating remotely to provide you with high quality drum tracks that are perfect for your project

Remote recording projects typically start with discussions about your musical vision and any reference recordings and charts you can provide. Rob records drum and percussion tracks (with optional video) and provides draft mixes so you can review his performance in the context of your reference track. He then re-records and provides new draft mixes as needed to incorporate your feedback. Once you’re happy with his performance, he provides high quality individual .wav files so you can mix the drums on your own or just use the drum mix he provides.